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Its members were required to be great force wielders, whom were highly trained in both lightsaber combat and in the ways of the force. What makes this force special? Its members were the only ones who were allowed to learn about not only the light side of the force, but also the dark side. This exception could only be allowed for the most prominent of Jedi and only to provide a final defensive line in the protection of the Jedi order if needed. The number of the members of the force has always been scarce, compared to the number of Jedi in the order itself. Even at its height, it didn't involve more than a dozen members. Anybody who left the force had to relinquish their dark side power usages and only rely on the light side, just like other Jedi. Better known members were Mace Windu, Quinlan Vos, Qui-Gon Jinn and his master, Count Dooku.The story: The story is set after the first battle of Geonosis, which has seen most of the members of this force eliminated. The clone war has. Maybe, I thought, in the absence of future back spasms, I'd never see it again, either.I guess it was nothing I might not have seen, say, at the pool back home (had I been a member, as Tess was, of the Country Club). It was nothing that would give the scene we were playing more than a "PG-13" rating in a feature film.So how come my penis was suddenly hard enough to cut Swedish steel?I ignored the blood flow leaving my brain and filling all the spongy sacs on my cock, and I dutifully -- almost primly -- applied the liniment to the area newly exposed to my view (and my touch)."Do you want to put some kind of towel over it, or maybe an elastic bandage?" I asked her, when it didn't seem appropriate for me to rub any more Tessflesh."No. If it feels like it's all rubbed in pretty good, just stop," she said. So I just stopped, and made a nominal little upward pull of the beltline of the Bermudas, which Bermudas, regrettably, dutifully rose back up to waist-level again. Then, before Tess.
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